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Stan Dorn to Evaluate Lousiana's Express Lane Enrollment Initiative

December 10, 2010

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for the simplification of enrollment in Medicaid, CHIP and the Exchange, building in part on express lane eligibility principles of minimizing the administrative requirements for applicants and facilitating the use of information from existing state and federal databases to determine eligibility.  States that have already put express lane eligibility procedures into place can provide lessons for other states considering implementation of these procedures under ACA.

SHARE grantee Stan Dorn, of the Urban Institute, has launched an evaluation of Louisiana's efforts to implement automatic enrollment and data-driven eligibility procedures.  This evaluation will assess the impact of Louisiana's enrollment initiative on coverage rates, administrative costs, and service utilization patterns.  The study will also include qualitative analyses of family experiences with Lousiana's new enrollment methods, along with the perceptions of policymakers and key stakeholders.

Click here to view a presentation by Stan to the  Maryland Health Care Reform Coordinating Council  that provides an overview of the enrollment efforts in Louisiana and his SHARE-funded evaluation of enrollment efforts in Massachusetts.