Prospective Benefit Design for the Medicaid Expansion Population Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET |
October 10, 2013: The SHARE program will host a webinar on Wednesday, October 16th, about the capacity of self-reported health measures to predict health care needs and utilization of newly-insured, low-income childless adults--i.e., the target population of the ACA Medicaid expansion.
Dr. Lindsey Leininger, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago, will present findings from her SHARE-funded project assessing Wisconsin's pioneering use of self-reported health measures collected at the time of enrollment to inform program design for childless adults enrolling in its Medicaid program (expanded via waiver to cover this population in 2009).
Dr. Leininger will augment her analysis of Wisconsin's experience with a nationally-representative analysis of a sample of childless adults drawn from the Medical Expenditure Manel Survey (MEPS). The Wisconsin analysis will provide evidence gathered "in the field," and the MEPS analysis will provide both a nationwide benchmark and an assessment of the predictive capacity of a wide range of self-reported health measures--including but not limited to those used by Wisconsin.
For further information about this event, please contact Carrie Au-Yeung at or 612-625-2492.