SHARE is announcing eight new grant awards that focus on state efforts to implement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The grants are quick-turnaround studies that will increase the understanding of the impact of reform and facilitate effective decision-making at both the state and national level.
Funded projects include:
Developing a Monitoring Strategy for Health Reform’s Progress and Effects
George Mason University College of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator: Len Nichols
Eligibility Determination Using Modified Adjusted Gross Income: Implications for Enrollment under Federal Reform
Mathematica Policy Research
Principal Investigator: John Czajka
Evaluation of State and Federal Young Adult Dependent Coverage Expansion Policies
Rutgers Center for State Health Policy
Principal Investigator: Joel Cantor
Expanding Coverage and Ensuring Access: The Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing Health Reform in Rural America
University of Southern Maine Muskie School of Public Service
Principal Investigator: Andy Coburn
Implications and Options for State-Funded Programs under Health Reform
Health Management Associates
Principal Investigator: Theresa Sachs
Income Dynamics and the Characteristics of Health Reform Expansion Populations
Williams College
Principal Investigator: Lara Shore-Sheppard
Strategies for Moving the SNACC Project to the Next level – Leveraging SNACC Data for Policy and Evaluation
National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago
Principal Investigator: Mike O’Grady
Using Behavioral Nudges to Improve Disease Management: Cost-Effective Strategies for Improving Care of Low-Income Diabetics
Harvard School of Public Health
Principal Investigator: Kate Baicker
The information coming out of these studies will be released as a series of briefs targeted at state and federal officials. Early findings will be released late spring 2011.
Descriptions of the new projects can be found by following the links above or by visiting SHARE’s Awarded Grants page.
View the press release about SHARE’s newest grant awards.