July 20, 2012: Read the HealthAffairs GrantWatch blog post about the new SHARE grant awards.
July 18, 2012: From the Desk of SHADAC Director Lynn Blewett
The State Health Access Reform Evaluation (SHARE), a National Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that is operated by SHADAC, has awarded nine new grants to fund research addressing health reform issues that states face as they work to improve coverage and access. This is SHARE’s third round of grants since the program began in 2007 with the goal of supporting rigorous research on health reform issues at a state level. These nine new grants will offer timely insights into a variety of health reform issues, including those related to state-level implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
The new SHARE grants, which range in length from 12 to 24 months and in size from $97,000 to $200,000, include the following projects:
Medical Homes Measures in Household Survey Data: State-Level Estimates Using Alternative Methodological Approaches
Principal Investigator: Lisa Clemans-Cope, Urban Institute
Rural Implementation and Impact of Medicaid Expansions
Principal Investigator: Andrew Coburn, University of Southern Maine
Planning for ACA Coverage Expansion: How Insurance coverage for Childless Adults will Affect Utilization
Principal Investigator: Tom DeLeire, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Small-Area Microsimulation to Study Geographic Variation in Coverage Expansions and Access under the Affordable Care Act
Principal Investigator: John Graves, Vanderbilt University
Innovative Benefit Design for CT State Employees
Principal Investigator: Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Understanding Health Insurance and Policy Using Massachusetts Health Reform
Principal Investigator: Amanda Kowalski, Yale University
Informing Medicaid Program Design for Low-Income Childless Adults: The Promise of Self-Reported Health Measures
Principal Investigator: Lindsey Leininger, University of Illinois at Chicago
Behavioral Health and Care for Chronic Medical Conditions in Pennsylvania: The Role of the Medical Home
Principal Investigator: Karin Rhodes, University of Pennsylvania
Achieving the Triple Aim in Medicaid: Evaluating the Access, Quality, Health and Cost Impacts of Coordinated Care Organizations in Oregon
Principal Investigator: Jeanene Smith, Office for Oregon Health Police Research
These new grants come at an exciting time in health policy: States have 18 months to prepare for a considerable expansion in the number of residents eligible for Medicaid and for the launch of state health insurance exchanges, along with the implementation of numerous other health system reforms included in the Affordable Care Act. Even in those states making the most rapid progress, there is still considerable work to be done. State officials and their staff need data that will shed light on which approaches will best meet the unique health care needs of their residents. Through these grants, SHARE aims to help fill this informational gap, shaping the implementation of the ACA and other reforms in a meaningful way. To this end, SHARE will work with the funded projects to produce and disseminate timely, informative, user-friendly findings for state and federal policymakers and agencies as well as leading researchers.
To see results of our previously funded projects, visit our issue briefs page.
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