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SHADAC Webinar April 10: Data Center Updates and the Health Insurance Unit

April 10, 2012

SHADAC will host a webinar on April 10 (2:00PM EDT) to discuss recent updates to the Data Center online table generator and the development of our new health insurance unit (HIU).

Webinar archive and presentation slides

In this webinar SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Joanna Turner will lead a discussion and demonstration of recent enhancements to the Data Center that make it easier to generate more complex tables, such as 50-state comparisons of insurance coverage for specific population groups.

Additional SHADAC experts will be available to respond to participants’ questions and also to discuss applications of the HIU, which is a new tool that allows analysts to run coverage estimates based on family units that reflect common dependent coverage practices and public program eligibility rules.

Read SHADAC's recent issue brief describing the HIU, Defining Family for Studies of Health Insurance Coverage.