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SHADAC at School of Public Health Research Day

May 07, 2014

SHADAC at School of Public Health Research Day

A number of SHADAC Research Assistants participated in Research Day 2014 at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, and among them were several award winners:

  • Jessie Kemmick Pintor, PhD Candidate, won first place overall among doctoral students for her research, “Parental Documentation Status and Coverage Disparities among the Children of Latin Immigrants.”  She also received the Public Health Impact Award and the People’s Choice Award for this work.
  • Kelsey Avery, MPH student, was awarded Best Collaborative Project at the Master’s Level for her work, “Identifying Barriers to Care Experienced by Patients at the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic.”
  • Amy Pothoff Anderson, MS student, won the Public Health Impact Award at the Master’s Level for research, “Variation in Risk-adjusted Rates of Adverse Obstetric Outcomes across U.S. Hospitals.”
  • XinXin Han, MS student, won the People’s Choice Award for her project, “Reports of Insurance-based Discrimination in Minnesota and the Implications for ACA Implementation.”