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SHADAC and SHARE at 2011 AcademyHealth ARM

June 07, 2011

June 7, 2011: SHADAC and SHARE researchers will participate in several sessions during the 2011 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), on June 11-14 in Seattle.  We hope you can attend!

SHADAC and SHARE presentations include:

Saturday, June 11 State Health Research and Policy Interest Group Meeting

  • "State-level Impact of Health Reform: What Can Existing Data Sources Tell Us?" featuring SHADAC Deputy Director Julie Sonier as moderator and SHADAC Senior Economist Sharon Long as a panelist.

Sunday, June 12, 11:30am - 1:00pm, Room 4C-4

  • "Addressing Cost and Affordability in Public Programs: Implications for the Affordable Care Act," chaired by Brian Quinn of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and featuring SHARE grantee panelists Deborah Chollet, Elizabeth Kilbreth, Edward Miller, and Laura Spicer.

Sunday, June 12, 4:30-6:00pm, Room 602/604

  • "The ACA Medicaid Expansion - Assessing States’ Primary Care Capacity to Handle a Surge," featuring SHADAC Research Assistant Michel Boudreaux as a panelist.

Monday, June 13, 8:00am - 9:30am, Room 618

  • "Research Informing Health Insurance Policies for Children and Youth," featuring SHARE grantee Ian Hill as a panelist.

Monday, June 13, 11:30am - 1:00pm, Room 6102/604

  • "Future of the Safety Net in a Reform Environment," featuring SHADAC Senior Economist Sharon Long as a panelist.

Tuesday, June 14, 11:30am - 1:00pm, Room 615-616

  • "Reaching Newly Eligible Populations under the Affordable Care Act: Outreach and Enrollment Strategies," chaired by SHARE Deputy Director Elizabeth Lukanen and featuring SHARE grantee panelists Michael Cousineau, David Idala, Shana Lavarreda, and Lindsey Leininger


We also invite you to drop by the SHADAC booth (#308) if you are at the conference.   We will have our recent briefs and resources available, and our researchers will be on hand to discuss any questions or issues you might have.