July 2, 2009. We all spend a great deal of time preparing for the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, and then, in what seems like a blink of the eye, we’re on the flight home. In reality the time was packed with sessions and events showcasing the rewards of a lot of hard work and instigating ideas for further investigation.
Despite a bout of the flu and a lower back attack, this meeting was great event for us at SHADAC/SHARE this year. The slate of presenters was outstanding, and we enjoyed the opportunity to visit with friends and collaborators and see a bit of Chicago. Much of our interest these days is to translate our research to relevant policy; we were excited to see the first results of eight of our SHARE grantees. With the prospect of major federal health reform on the legislative docket this year, we are looking forward to synthesizing these results to inform the policy process.
Presentations from SHADAC/SHARE staff are posted here, while many of the other session presentations are posted at AcademyHealth.org.