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Now Available: 2016 State Estimates on Health Behaviors and Health Outcomes

September 01, 2017

New 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) estimates are now available on State Health Compare. These estimates are available for all states and can be viewed by educational attainment and race/ethnicity.


Snapshot of Findings: Binge Drinking

In 2016, rates of binge drinking varied from 11.3% of adults in West Virginia to 25.5% in the District of Columbia.


Between 2015 and 2016, the United States and six states had statistically significant increases in binge drinking for adults. No state had a statistically significant decrease. As shown below, increases varied from 1.6 percentage points in South Carolina to 2.8 percentage points in Tennessee.


A Note about the Numbers

Rate of binge drinking among adults for the civilian non-institutionalized population aged 18 years and over. Binge drinking is defined as having four or more drinks for women or five or more drinks for men on one occasion during the past 30 days.

Please see State Health Compare for estimates for all states as well as notes for each of these different measures.

Source: SHADAC analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) public use files.