December 28, 2010: The Joint Executive Committee and Plenary Committee of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) met on December 16, 2010, and adopted a model law on health insurance exchanges.
The American Health Benefit Exchange Model Act was developed by the Exchanges Subgroup of NAIC's Health Insurance and Managed Care Committee. The Exchanges Subgroup was established in response to section 1321 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which calls for the Secretary of HHS to work with NAIC and others to set standards regarding Exchanges. NAIC considered written and oral testimony and recommendations from interested parties on the design and requirements for the exchanges, along with written comments on the model act, during its development and adoption.
While the model exchange law is no longer open for comment, other ACA-related recommendations, model laws, and regulations will be under consideration by NAIC going forward. Reform topics that will be addressed include exchange enrollment, individual and group market reforms, and the collection of data from insurers.
Visit NAIC's health reform page.