October 31, 2014
October 31, 2014: With the second ACA open enrollment period fast approaching, states--especially those operating state-based marketplaces--are gearing up for new waves of applications, public communication, and reporting on enrollment.
A new SHADAC report, "Availability and Use of Enrollment Data from the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace," brings together state experiences from the first open enrollment period, examining three key topics:
- Variation among states in information collected in the marketplace application process;
- Differences in state approaches to public reporting of enrollment data; and
- Potential analyses that could be conducted using data the states have already collected.
States planning for future open enrollment periods can learn from the experiences of other states around collecting, analyzing, and presenting enrollment data.
Additional Topic Papers
This paper is one in a four-part series focused on innovative uses of data resources and analytic approaches that states can apply to monitor and evaluate health care reform efforts. The papers in the series were written by SHADAC researchers, commissioned by HHS’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation to provide an overview of health reform data sources available to policymakers, such as state-level administrative data, health insurer filings, marketplace enrollment data, and survey data. The series also highlights key analytic questions that states could be addressed by these data sources.
Find all four papers in the series here: http://www.shadac.org/content/analytic-approaches-monitoring-and-evaluating-health-reform-topic-papers .