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Marketplace Enrollee Survey Item Matrix (MESIM) Tool Now Available

September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014: SHADAC created a new resource, the Marketplace Enrollee Survey Item Matrix (MESIM), for those interested in conducting surveys to measure the public’s participation and experience in health insurance Marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act. 

What is the MESIM?

The MESIM is an Excel file with sort and filter functions that allow users to browse or search for pre-existing survey questions related to marketplace use and enrollment.

The 246 included questions are drawn from various state, federal, and private surveys, and are organized by domain.  The domains include


The MESIM was developed by SHADAC with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health Reform Assistance Network ("State Network").

  • Access and provider supply 
  • Application pathway
  • Barriers to care
  • Coverage type
  • Health coverage literacy
  • Motivation to enroll
  • Perceptions of quality/satisfaction
  • Reasons for transitions/motivation to enroll
  • Reasons for uninsurance/intent to enroll among uninsured

Access the MESIM



Related Resource

The MESIM builds on a related survey question matrix – the State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM) – which was released by SHADAC in 2013 and includes a broader list of domains for monitoring state ACA implementation, including access, affordability, emergency department use, employer-sponsored insurance, health reform knowledge, medical homes, and utilization.