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HHS Extends Exchange Blueprint Deadlines

November 09, 2012

November 9, 2012: US Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius issued a letter today notifying states that the deadline to submit blueprints for state-based insurance exchanges with a start date of 2014 has been extended from November 16, 2012 to December 14, 2012.  

States must still submit a letter of intent to establish a state-based exchange by November 16th.  

UPDATE: As of November 15, 2012, states also have until December 14, 2012 to submit a letter of intent to establish a state-based exchange.

States that plan to pursue an exchange operated jointly by the state and HHS (i.e., a "State Partnership Exchange") can submit letters of intent and blueprint applications until Febraurary 15, 2013.

States will still be able to apply to run exchanges in subsequent years even if they do not apply for 2014.