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Federal Grants to Fund State Data Infrastructure Development

June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013: We want to make sure that states are aware of a unique opportunity to leverage federal money to build state data infrastructure through the ACA’s Rate Review Grant Program.  To date, this program has focused on rate review and was therefore targeted at state insurance departments; however, the program recently expanded its focus to include the establishment of data centers to support price transparency.  With that in mind, the program’s new funding announcement is of interest to any state agency interested in data infrastructure to support the collection, analysis and publishing of health pricing and medical claims data. 

Background on this Funding Opportunity

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is the third cycle of the Rate Review Grant Program established by the ACA.   A total of approximately $87 million is available for these grants.  So far, the Rate Review Grants Program has awarded funding to 45 states, the District of Columbia, and several territories through its first two grant cycles.

How Are These Grants Different from Previous Rate Review Grants?

These grants will fund the development or enhancement of states’ rate review programs and/or the establishment or enhancement of data centers to support price transparency and ensure greater public access to health pricing data, a new development in this grant cycle.  The data centers must be academic institutions or other non-profit organizations; states may partner with existing data centers or establish new ones.  Data centers can be located in the applicant state or in another state.  An example of an existing data center with which states could partner is the NORC Data Enclave.

Key Dates

  • June 17, 2013 - Letter of intent due
  • August 1, 2013 - Complete application due  

Further Information

View the Funding Opportunity Announcement.

View a list of FAQs about this funding opportunity.