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Enrollment Doubles in Federal High-Risk Pool

January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011: The Health and Human Services Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (OCIIO) reported yesterday that enrollment in the federal high-risk insurance pool—the “Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan” or “PCIP”—has doubled in the past month, following the introduction of new plan options at the start of the calendar year.

This increase represents a significant shift for PCIP enrollment trends:  As of November 2010, PCIP had enrolled only 10,000 of its 200,000 member cap, with premium affordability cited as a likely problem for many potential enrollees.  In response to low enrollment, PCIP introduced new benefit design options at the beginning of this month, giving enrollees a choice between two price points for premiums and deductibles, and separating the deductibles for medical and pharmacy services.  A health savings account (HSA) option and a child-only rate were also introduced this month.

PCIP was created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a temporary means of covering uninsured people with pre-existing conditions until 2014, at which time insurers will no longer be able to deny coverage based on a person’s medical history. 

Updated PCIP enrollment figures reflecting the recent jump in enrollment will be released next week.

Click here to read the June 2010 SHADAC issue brief, “Issues for State High-Risk Pools with Implementation of National Health Reform.”  This brief outlines high-risk pools by state, including: enrollment figures, premium cost, and the state’s decision about participation in the temporary federal pool.