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Engaging Commercial Payers on Multipayer Alignment

March 29, 2016

Engaging with commercial payers is a critical component of achieving multipayer alignment in payment and delivery system initiatives.  A new issue brief produced by SHADAC outlines several key recommendations for states as they work to engage commercial payers.  These include:

  • • Recognize the other challenges that commercial payers are facing;
  • • Focus on shared big picture objectives rather than alignment at a very detailed level;
  • • Recognize that multipayer alignment and delivery system reform are long-term processes that require long-term   commitments;
  • • Developing clear definitions of success;
  • • Strive for consistency while retaining flexibility for experimentation and innovation;
  • • Understand that commercial payers may be resistant to some of the types of changes states are seeking.

Access the full brief

This brief was produced by SHADAC with support from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (the Innovation Center). SHADAC is part of a team led by NORC at the University of Chicago that serves as the State Innovation Model Resource Support Contractor. CHCS, SHADAC, and other technical assistance partners support states and the Innovation Center in designing and testing multi-payer health system transformation approaches.