July 9, 2010. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recently initiated a project called SHAP (State Health Access Program), which has funded 13 states to implement access expansions. In response to numerous inquiries from SHAP grantee states about benefit design, Eddie Miller was asked to present to the group about the benefit design lessons from his SHARE-sponsored research. Dr. Miller spoke about what has been learned from his study of Rhode Island's HEALTHpact initiative, touching on the subjects of subsidies, wellness incentives, cost-sharing, and design complexity. Further details about Dr. Miller's findings are available in his recent issue brief, which can be found here.
As part of the SHAP initiative, HRSA contracted with SHADAC provide technical assistance to SHAP states on data and evaluation, and the National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP) was contracted to provide technical assistance on policy development. Dr. Miller spoke to SHAP grantees as part of NASHP's SHAP Peer Learning Group series.