August 29, 2012: The US Census Bureau has released 2010 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for all counties and states. Estimates are available for each county by sex, age, and Federal Poverty Level (FPL), including a poverty category for income at or below 138 percent FPL (i.e., the point at which Medicaid eligibility will be capped in states that choose expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act). Race/ethnicity information is available at the state level.
New This Year
New to the SAHIE this year are insurance coverage estimates for the 50 to 64 age group, a population that is more likely than younger groups to utilize health care and for whom coverage information is therefore particularly helpful for planners and health officials as they anticipate needs within the healthcare system.
SAHIE are created using statistical models that combine survey data with population estimates and administrative records. SHADAC Brief #26 provides an overview of how the SAHIE are developed as well as a comparison of the SAHIE model-based methodology to that used by the American Community Survey (ACS).
2010 SAHIE Illustration
The map below illustrates the 2010 SAHIE for uninsured children at or below 138 percent FPL by county. Click here to access the SAHIE interactive data and mapping tool.