May 12, 2010
SHARE grantees Joel Cantor and Alan Monheit were cited in the new rules released by the Department of Health & Human Services regarding implementation of the new dependent coverage provisions included in federal health reform. The newly released rules, which can be viewed at this link, acknowledge Cantor and Monheit's findings on the early experience in states that have extended coverage to dependents suggesting that few uninsured children in these states shift to their parents' policy.
The citation came from Cantor's presentation at the AcademyHealth State Interest Group Meeting in 2009, "State Policies Expanding Dependent Coverage to Young Adults in Private Health Insurance Plans," which can be found at this link.
A full discussion of this issue can be found at our recently posted webinar, "The Impact of Extending Dependent Insurance Coverage to Young Adults," which featured presentations by Dr. Cantor and Troy Oechsner, Deputy Superintendent of Health for the State of New York. Dr. Cantor discussed findings from his analysis of dependent coverage expansions in 18 states, and discussant Troy Oechsner provided a state perspective on dependent coverage expansion initiatives, outlining efforts currently being implemented in New York State. A recording of the webinar is available at this link.