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August 4th Webinar: Innovative Benefit Design for Connecticut State Employees

July 16, 2015

Date: August 4, 2015
Time: 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 11:00 a.m. Central






Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) refers to insurance designs that vary consumer cost-sharing to distinguish between high-value and low-value health care services and providers. 
In 2011, the state of Connecticut, in conjunction with key labor unions, implemented an innovative health benefit design for its state employees and retirees based on V-BID principles. The benefit design was named the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) and quickly proved popular, with 98 percent of eligible beneficiaries choosing to enroll during the first year.
  • Drs. Richard Hirth and Mark Fendrick of the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design at the University of Michigan will present findings from a SHARE-funded evaluation of HEP's impact on the clinical process measures that the program targets (e.g., preventive care use, medication compliance, etc.) along with the cost effects for these services.
  • Dr. Tom Woodruff, Director of Healthcare Policy & Benefit Services at the Office of the Connecticut State Comptroller, will speak about Connecticut's adoption and implementation of HEP from the state's perspective.
Policy Importance
With V-BID becoming a federal policy priority under the ACA, other states are considering V-BID approaches similar to HEP for their own state employees and/or for their marketplace enrollees.
The HEP evaluation, which is the first of a large-scale state-level V-BID program, will provide results on economic and health outcomes that can inform the growing portfolio of ongoing state and federal V-BID policy. Additionally, learning about Connecticut's experience from a state official's perspective can inform the logistical decisions of other states pursuing benefit designs based on V-BID principles.


Center for Value-Based Insurance Design. 2013. "V-BID in Action: A Profile of Connecticut's Health Enhancement Program." V-BID Center Brief. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Value-Based Insurance Design.