Our research team at SHADAC has continued its partnership with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota to refresh a tool that provides critical information on the uninsured populations in Minnesota at the legislative district level.
Legislative District Infographics (2015-2019 data)
Using the United States Census Bureau's 2015-2019 American Community Survey, 5-year estimates, this unique set of infographics highlight and categorize uninsured rates using color-coded state maps and graphics that provide a deeper look into the socioeconomic data (such as race, ethnicity, income, and age) of each Minnesota House and Senate district. The state legislative maps are color-coded according to four levels of need for coverage assistance: Needs Most Assistance (uninsured rate of 6.9% or more); Needs Significant Assistance (uninsured rates between 4.6%-6.8%); Needs Some Assistance (uninsured rates between 2.4%-4.5%); Needs Less Assistance (under 2.3%). These infographics are designed to provide clear and concise snapshots of coverage needs to raise awareness and assist policymakers and health insurance navigators in developing strategies to reach the remaining uninsured in the state of Minnesota.
Click on an individual house or senate district in the PDF to the right to access a two-page infographic that contains detailed socioeconomic data about that respective district. If you need help determining a legislative district of interest, click the "Find a Legislative District" in the header of the accompanying PDF.
Interactive Map (2015-2019 data)
This map is designed to be used alongside the profile and contains data from the 5-year estimates within the United States Census Bureau's 2015-2019 American Community Survey. Use the “Find address or place” search box at the bottom of the map and then click on the magnifying glass.Click the image to the right to explore the interactive map.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the community and uninsured profile. Share your suggestions with us here.