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CPS Uninsurance Trends by State

March 10, 2010

This Excel file provides summary tables of uninsurance estimates by state, trended from calendar years 1987 through 2010.  One table provides estimates only, and a second table provides the estimates with the standard errors.

Download the Excel file.

Estimates are calculated using SHADAC's enhanced Current Population Survey (CPS) adjustments, which includes several adjustments to the estimates that are not made by the Census Bureau when it reports health insurance estimates from the CPS.

SHADAC developed this enhanced series of health insurance estimates to provide the most accurate and consistent estimates of health insurance coverage. These estimates reweight and adjust the CPS data to account for historical changes in the survey's methodology, the conceptual definition of health insurance coverage, and the population counts used to weight the survey estimates. The enhanced estimates also adjust for procedures used by the Census Bureau to correct for missing data. These adjustments produce estimates that differ from those published by the Census Bureau, generally resulting in lower uninsurance estimates. However, they provide a more accurate assessment of coverage estimates both for any given year and over time.

For more information on the changes applied with this adjustment see SHADAC's technical brief, "SHADAC-Enhanced Current Population Survey Health Insurance Coverage Estimates:  A Summary of Historical Adjustments."

For information on using these microdata see SHADAC's technical brief, "Using SHADAC-Enhanced Current Population Survey Health Insurance Coverage Microdata Variables."