In the past year, with support from partners, funders, and collaborators, SHADAC has continued to provide states, organizations, policymakers, and more with unbiased research, technical assistance, and data & evaluation resources.
Each year, we create an Annual Report to provide an overview of SHADAC topic areas, technical expertise, and partnerships from the past year. This report contains an organized look at 2023's reports, blogs, and publications, overviews of upcoming & ongoing projects, insight into emerging topics, and descriptions of our focus areas, which include:

- State and Federal Survey Data Resources, including on American Community Survey (ACS), Current Population Survey (CPS), Household Pulse Survey (HPS), Minnesota Health Access Survey (MNHA), and more
- Medicaid and CHIP Policy, including the "Medicaid Unwinding"
- Health Equity
- SHADAC's State Health Compare
- Health Coverage and Access to Care
As we celebrate our accomplishments from the past year, we look forward to continuing to work alongside our funders and collaborators to fulfill key data needs for states and spur meaningful policy impacts.
Read our 2023 Annual Report here.
Be sure to stay up-to-date with SHADAC throughout the year by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on LinkedIn!
Links to previous years' annual reports: