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2019 ACS Tables: State and County Uninsured Rates, with Comparison Year 2018

September 17, 2020

The interactive map on this page links to tables containing state and county uninsurance estimates for 2019. These estimates come from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) via the U.S. Census Bureau's tool.

Click on a state below to see state and county uninsurance rates by characteristics (for example, age, race/ethnicity, and poverty level) for 2019 and comparison year 2018. Due to sample size constraints, single-year ACS estimates are available at the county level only for counties with a population greater than 65,000.


Click here to view uninsurance estimates for the United States.

Click here to view uninsurance estimates for Puerto Rico and its municipios.

Note: These tables present uninsured rates, which indicate the share of the population that is uninsured. For example, a 10 percent uninsured rate for adult women indicates that 10 percent of all adult women are uninsured.

Additional Estimates (50-State Comparisons)

Maps & Tables of Private, Public, & Uninsured Changes from 2018 to 2019

Private Coverage Rates by State, Change from 2018 to 2019, for All People

Public Coverage Rates by State, Change from 2018 to 2019, for All People

Uninsurance Rates by State, Change from 2018 to 2019, for All People

About the ACS

The ACS is a household survey that began in 2005 and produces annually updated data on a variety of population characteristics, including health insurance coverage. In total, the ACS surveys approximately three million US households each year. An important feature of the ACS is that it includes a large enough sample for state‐level and sub‐state estimates.

The ACS began asking survey respondents about health insurance coverage during the 2008 calendar year. Specifically, the survey asks respondents about current coverage for each person in the respondent’s household. A person is categorized as “insured” if he or she has coverage at the point in time at which the survey is administered.

Why Aren’t Estimates Provided for All Counties?

Due to sample size constraints, single-year ACS estimates are available at the county level only for counties with a population greater than 65,000. 

How Are These Estimates Different from the Estimates that SHADAC Publishes Using Census Bureau Micro-Data Files?

Two definitions used by the Census Bureau to generate the tabulations above differ from those that SHADAC uses to generate tabulations for State Health Compare. The definitional differences are as follows:


  • The Census Bureau defines a family as all related people in a household.
  • SHADAC defines a family using a measure called the “Health Insurance Unit” (HIU), which includes all individuals who would likely be considered a family unit in determining eligibility for either private or public coverage.
  • To learn more about the 2020 update of SHADAC's Health Insurance Unit (HIU) click here.

Family Income

  • The Census Bureau determines family income as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), which is a definition of poverty used primarily for statistical purposes. For example, FPL is used to estimate the number of Americans living in poverty each year.
  • SHADAC determines family income as a percentage of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG), which is a measure used for administrative purposes. For example, FPG is used to determine eligibility for federal programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
  • To learn more about the difference between FPL and FPG click here.

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