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The Impact of Changes in Medicaid Eligibility Thresholds on Duration of Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Health Care (December 2016)

awarded grant

Principal Investigator: Heather Dahlen, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

The goal of this study is to inform policymakers regarding the impact of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act on continuity of insurance coverage among low-income, non-elderly adults and the secondary effects of continuous coverage on access to care. For their primary data source, the researchers will use 2009-2015 data from the National Health Interview Survey, which provides detailed information on health, health insurance coverage, health care access and use, and affordability for a representative sample of the U.S. population. The researchers will run a series of regression models that first examine the impact of Medicaid eligibility thresholds on coverage duration, then assess the effect of coverage duration on several measures of health care access. 


The Impact of Changes in Medicaid Eligibility Thresholds on Duration of Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Health Care
(June 2018, Presentation)