MEPS-IC Tables: Employer Coverage Estimates by Firm Size
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Insurance Component (MEPS-IC), sponsored by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is a survey of private and public sector employers that focuses on employer-sponsored insurance.
In order to support state policy analysis related to health reform, SHADAC annually requests special firm-size tabulations of the estimates (e.g. estimates for firms with 0-50 and 50-99 employees). These tabulations provide estimates of employer offer and take-up, premiums, and cost-sharing (i.e., deductibles) for:
- All firms together.
- Firms with fewer than 50 employees,
- Firms with 50 to 99 employees,
- Firms with 100 to 249 employees (beginning in 2013)*
- Firms with 250 or more employees (beginning in 2013)*
To help make this information easily accessible for states, SHADAC has created three sets of tables (separate tables by firm size for each state). These include:
- Availability and enrollment in ESI
- Premiums and employee contributions for ESI
- Enrollee cost sharing for ESI**