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Availability and Use of Enrollment Data from the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace

Kristin Dybdal, Senior Research Fellow
Elizabeth Lukanen, Director
October 22, 2014

A better understanding of the diverse sources of administrative data avilable from the state and federal health insurance marketplaces is required in order to respond to questions about the performance of exchanges during the first open enrollment period and about the viability of exchanges in the future. 

This paper examines enrollment-related data issues faced by states during the first ACA open enrollment period, including variation in data elements collected through marketplace applications as well as variation in state approaches to public reporting on enrollment data. This paper will also look ahead to potential research questions and uses for data already collected and consider new data collection needs.

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Additional Materials

Federally-Facilitated Marketplace Application

State-Based Marketplace (SBM) Eligibility & Enrollment Summary - October 1, 2013 through November 30, 2013