July 01, 2015
July 1, 2015: We enjoyed seeing so many of our colleagues from across the country in Minneapolis during the 2015 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM). On behalf of SHADAC Director Lynn Blewett, Chair of the 2015 ARM, we hope you enjoyed your visit to Minneapolis!
A number of SHADAC researchers presented at the 2015 ARM and at the State Health Research and Policy Interest Group meeting preceding the full conference. Slides from the following presentations are available online: |
- Giovann Alarcón: "Large Numbers Potentially Eligible for Exchanges Outside of Open Enrollment Due to Qualifying Life Events"
- Heather Dahlen: "Labor Market and Health Insurance Impacts Due to "Aging Out" of the Young Adult Provision of the Affordable Care Act"
- Elizabeth Lukanen: "Good News from the North: ACA's Enrollment and Coverage Impacts on the Uninsured in Minnesota"
- Brett Fried: "Location, Location, Location: Leveraging Interactive Maps, Administrative and Census Data to Find and Describe the Remaining Eligible for Coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplaces"
- Colin Planalp: "Comparing State Choices in Alternative Benefit Plan Design for Medicaid Expansion Populations"