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Adapting State Surveys to Measure Health Coverage Post-Reform

January 07, 2014
Joanne Pascale, US Census BureaThe goal of this webinar is to inform the audience of research conducted at the Census Bureau on adapting its federal surveys to measure health insurance post-reform, including participation and subsidization through the new marketplaces/exchanges created through the Affordable Care Act.  Several other surveys within the federal statistical system are planning to adopt the same basic approach. Learn about the study results, which can provide guidance for adapting your own state surveys, and learn how your surveys may compare with other federal surveys.   
Joanne's webinar provides concrete examples of survey items tested by the Census to improve measurement of participation in subsidized and non-subsidized insurance marketplaces that can be adapted to state and local surveys. She also provides information about how other Federal surveys plan to adapt their surveys to measure this important change in health insurance initiated by the Affordable Care Act.
Slides can be downloaded here. A recording of the webinar is below.


Additional Resources:

  • Resources for Monitoring the ACA
    SHADAC-gathered online resources, data reports, and federal and state surveys to help monitor the Affordable Care Act.
  • State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM)
    An Excel matrix with sort and filter functions that allows users to search for survey metrics and question items from existing state surveys and from three federal or foundation surveys that regularly report health insurance and access data.